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Dear friends- musicians, dancers, artists, arts supporters, and audience members alike,


I have recently made the extremely difficult decision to close Third Life Studio at the end of July. The current 5-year lease on the space ends on July 31st, and I will not be continuing on after that.  All the growth, change, and development in Union Square is indeed positive in many ways. But it has also made it impossible for me to stay open. After much communication, deliberation, and a dedicated attempt on my part to transform the operational model of the Studio into a more sustainable one, the building landlord was only willing to renew the lease for one year and-- congruent with the changes in property values occurring in Union Square and across Somerville-- for an exorbitant amount of money. More than can be supported by a humble yet beloved arts space. (Click here to read an article on the Studio's closing)

Third Life Studio has been my personal creative home since 2003 where I have offered all my voice lessons, classes, and workshops, held all rehearsals for my different musical ensembles through the years, and engaged in all my own creative work. And then. . . much to my own surprise, it developed into a really special and beloved performance and teaching space for countless musicians, dancers and other artists of many genres from around the Greater Boston area. High- level musicians repeatedly tell me that this beautiful, intimate, peaceful room with such positive spirit and extraordinary acoustics is their favorite place to play in the entire city. The caliber of artistry presented has drawn audience from all over Eastern MA (and often all over New England) to Union Square. Workshop leaders and musicians from around the world travelling through Boston have taught and performed there. It has been a beloved space of healing, creativity, positivity and artistic expression. We all know how the arts give hope, meaning, beauty and vision to the world--all the more necessary in the world we live in today. So, it is an incredibly deep loss for us all.


I extend my deepest gratitude to you all--for pouring your dedicated artistry into the alchemical vibration of that room, for coming to take in the magic of creative live performance over the years, and for letting me know how much the space has meant to you. For me, Third Life Studio has been a labor of love-- and that love has certainly been amplified and extended out into our needy world a thousand fold by all of you.

I hope to see you at one of the remaining events through the 24th of July. Thank you, and may we all thrive in these times. 

In peace,
Susan Robbins

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